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Updated: Jun 7, 2021

HEADLINES: TRUMP is BACK!! Beef - its not whats for dinner, Fauci is a fraud, Boebert ditches earmarks, and CO trans funding is a train load of BS, the Koontz Report, last chance for to RSVP to lunch with Rep. Matt Soper on our EVENTS page, and Chairman Bradford's weekly update blog. Please share your thoughts in the comment section on this page.

Please visit our News Aggregate. We have compiled a selection of last week's interesting national, state and local news and opinion articles for the community you won't find on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. KNOW THE NEWS is published weekly on Sundays. Please bookmark the link and share with like-minded friends.

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The Bradford Blog

Delta County Republican Central Committee

Awards First Scholarship to Paonia High School’s Abby Reed

This past year the Delta County Republican Central Committee approved awarding two $2,500 scholarships for attending college, junior college, trade or technical school. This was a competitive process that was available to all high school graduates in Delta County that were registered to vote and had a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.0.

The applicants were required to submit an essay of 1000 words or more on any of two amendments in the U.S. Bill of Rights and what those amendments meant to them. They were also required to attend a minimum of five of the monthly Delta County Republican Central Committee meetings. Our purpose in designing our scholarship this way was to expose our high school graduates to real grass root politics and encourage their future involvement in this important part of our constitutional republic form of government. For our democratic republic to function we need our citizens to be involved.

Our four-person Scholarship Committee reviewed the five applications. The committee made their selections and we are pleased to announce our first winner – Abby Reed of Paonia High School. Abby was selected as the top applicant, writing her essay on the 1st and 2nd Amendments. She was also the first applicant to complete the five meeting requirement.

Shirley Bauer of the Scholarship Committee and I attended the Scholarship Program at Paonia High School on Wednesday May12 and presented a Scholarship Certificate to Abby. It was a fun event only slightly marred by the melancholy of it being the last program of this type to be held at the soon to be closed Paonia High School. Abby told Shirley and I that she was glad she applied for the scholarship and that we required attendance at five of our monthly meetings. She especially enjoyed the presentation by gubernatorial candidate Greg Lopez. Abby will be attending Doane University in Crete, Nebraska – just southwest of Lincoln. She’ll be studying law and playing soccer. The DCRCC will send the scholarship funds to Doane University, when Abby registers for classes.

We still have one scholarship to award this year, pending the applicant completing the five meeting requirement. This needs to be completed by August. The Scholarship Committee is gearing up to continue the program in 2022.

Gubernatorial Candidate Danielle Neuschwanger Attends the

June Meeting of the Delta County Republican Central Committee

Last month Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Lopez attended our May Central Committee meeting. This month, candidate Danielle Neuschwanger attended our Delta County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC) meeting. Danielle was the second of the current eight declared candidates to attend a DCRCC meeting. The list of Republican candidates is:

1) Laurie Clark (R) of Monument, CO.

2) Jeffrey Fry (R) of Hayden, CO.

3) Jon Gray-Ginsberg (R) of Frisco, CO.

4) Benjamin Huseman (R) of Commerce City, CO.

5) Greg Lopez (R) of Elizabeth, CO.

6) Danielle Neuschwanger (R) of Elbert, CO.

7) Jim Rundberg (R) of Antonito, CO.

8) Destinee Workman (R) of Clifton, CO.

Danielle Neuschwanger reached out to the DCRCC to ask if she could come and speak. She attended the June 1, 2022 meeting of the DCRCC. There were 40-some people in attendance to hear and meet candidate Neuschwanger. Ms. Neuschwanger gave a short bio

A Colorado native born in Greeley, Colorado but her family became a broken home when her parents divorced; grew up in Longmont under the influence of her grandparents - two WWII veterans; attended college at CU in Boulder, Rasmussen College in Orlando, Florida and graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice from CSU Global. Worked in Healthcare Security, where she was a Project coordinator and a Safe Tactics Instructor. Since 2019 she has been the Manager Broker for Wild Buck Realty in Elbert, CO. She lives in Elbert with her husband and two young boys, where they also raise cattle.

Danielle spoke for nearly an hour, covering a whole range of topics. She supports the U.S. Constitution, truth & justice, opportunity and common sense. She is not a trained politician and emphasizes her common sense approach. She said her strategy for getting elected was to bring youth into the party, using Social Media. She emphasizes positive affirmation over defensive reactions to political and media attacks. During the Question and Answer portion of the presentation, Danielle stated she fully supports the Second Amendment, she is very supportive of law enforcement, she stated her opposition to the Democrat push to control education and the unacceptable policies they are promoting like Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education and Critical Race Theory. It was a good meeting with members staying fully engaged with Danielle past our normal adjournment time of 7:30 pm.

Danielle will be returning to Delta County for a luncheon sponsored by the Events Committee of the DCRCC. The luncheon is scheduled for July 15, 2021 at Davetos Restaurant in Delta. Check the DCRCC Website – for details and to register. Candidate Lopez is also scheduled to return to Delta County for a luncheon on August 12th, also at Daveto’s. We will continue to invite the different candidates to Delta County to let our residents meet these folks and get to hear their positions.

We continue to evaluate Election Integrity in Delta County. Election Integrity Chairman Curt Grinell presented an update on the DCRCC’s review of the Delta County Voter Registration Database. Curt has broken the Database down into Precincts and has several individuals reviewing those precinct lists. If you would like to assist in these efforts contact Curt, 527-4493 or

I also visited with the Delta County Elections Clerk Rene Loy Maas. She informed me there was an update to the County Elections computers by Dominion. Rene continues to try to improve the integrity and security of the Delta County elections. She and the other elections clerk, Melinda Sanford, are working on setting up improved reporting in upcoming elections – numbers of adjudicated ballots and activity by the elections computers during elections.

Issues continue to come up about elections in the United States, and the questions being raised are very compelling. But I continue to believe that the Delta County Clerk’s Office is trying very hard to ensure that we in Delta County have secure elections. We will try to address issues as they come up.

Finally, the DCRCC will be involved in a number of activities in June. We have a luncheon with State Representative Matt Soper on Thursday June 10th at CB’s Tavern. We will have an entry at the Crawford Pioneer Days Parade on Saturday June 12th Set up starts at 9 a.m., with the parade starting at 10. Contact Ginni Selby at 970-275-9537 if you can help and want to participate. And we will sponsor a Coffee for Veterans at Mocha Jo’s in Delta on June 25th. We are pushing to keep the Republican Message in front of our Delta County citizens.

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1 Comment

Jun 13, 2021

I love the blog from Chairman Dave Bradford. I hope it continues. I like the presentation from our county commissioners as well. Wendell Koontz does a great job. Keep up the good work!

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