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The Wednesday News Edition

TODAYS HEADLINES Delta School Board and Comprehensive Sex Ed blog, Officer Chauvin found guilty, State School Board Rankin reports on Sex, Religion in CO high schools, West Slope wants a voice in wolf reintroduction, and much more.

Please visit the News Aggregate for today, April 21, 2021. We have compiled a selection of interesting news and opinion articles for our local community. Every Wednesday and Sunday the news aggregation will be updated.

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Delta County School Board looks at Comprehensive Sex Ed

By Angie Many

Delta schools, like others across the country, are dealing with issues that go far beyond the traditional 3Rs: reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. Having to add in so many other things is one reason our students don’t learn as much of the basics as previous generations did. (Another reason is ‘Common Core’ type programs, but I digress.)

With two friends, I attended the March meeting of the Delta County School Board. We were the only ‘citizen observers’ there, which highlights the fact that we all need to start attending more meetings of our local towns and county, and their boards (planning, library, etc.). There were, however, two women present who addressed the board for 3 minutes each. They were urging the board to adopt Comprehensive Sex Education curriculum for Delta County Schools. Evidently the State is also suggesting that school districts use this type of curriculum, and there is grant money available for the programs.

‘Sex Ed’ is already taught in Delta schools, and the three of us were concerned about the proposal to increase that using standardized ‘Comprehensive Sex Education’ curricula. The program the school board is considering is found at:

I scanned through the K-5 lesson plans found there, and I was appalled. In my opinion, much of it was too explicit for the targeted age group and others parts encourage gender confusion – even with 1st-graders (see “My Princess Boy”). I urge you to go to that website, download the curricula, and go through it.

When we announced our findings at the April Delta County Republican meeting, Shane Kier (pastor of the Cowboy Church), picked up the ball and ran with it. He found that the School Board was not going to make a decision about Comprehensive Sex Ed until the summer, but he organized a meeting where about 20 of us opposed to Comp Sex Ed got together and listed points we would like to have made to the School Board. Then several people were selected/volunteered to speak for 3 minutes each at the April meeting.

We also spread the word and asked that those opposed to the curricula show up at the School Board meeting.

The building and the meeting room are small, so we had a CROWD outside that night. One count showed 170 people; more people came later. Some enterprising soul ran audio out to those outside so that we could hear the speakers, and the meeting was also livestreamed.

This event was a HUGE success for conservatives, students, parents, and other concerned citizens. We will need to keep up with the progress of this initiative and hopefully we will be able to keep it out of our schools. Many parents are beginning to consider taking their kids out of public schools if we cannot return schools to basics and let parents handle sex and morality.

It is VITAL that we start participating in OUR government, and that includes the local School Board. Please contact them and urge them to limit sex education to curricula that follows our conservative values. In addition to the Comp Sex Ed, we need to urge the board NOT to use other programs which may be coming. The 1619 Project says America was based on slavery and thus is an inherently racist society. Developed in part by The New York Times, some of it has already been discredited as historically inaccurate. And the Critical Race Theory (CRT) propaganda which divides everyone into oppressed or oppressor is already being taught in other areas. The ‘other side’ takes the time to show up. We have to start doing the same.

Following are school board members with their email addresses. Please take the time to contact the board about issues that concern you. Remember: ALWAYS be polite.

Find the School Board members at

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